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The Alien Wars 6:
Fall of Eden

Dragoons, sometimes called Dragons*, due to what they transform into, have come far from what they are supposedly have been long ago. Though many do not remember all the details of the old Homeworld, it was said they turned into mechanical beings with their Bonded, as they are referred to now, inside them. Many believe that is wrong. Dragoons are known for their stripes in their hair color and youthful age looks. Many stop aging young, in their teens around 19, 16 at the youngest, and seek out a partner sexually to bond with. The dragon color they become is dependant on their moral center and their partner's, as well as their class. It is said that the most powerful Dragoon today is known as Kalam. Though not much is known about her.

*note this is not their primary designation and is seen primarly on Geyze where they are not as well known

There are a good many number of Dragoons, but not an overwhelming amount. They are scattered between Kumen and Gayze. Some are sought out for their power they can manage in their dragon form, but due to the strength they CAN wield, they are not sought out like slaves either. A give and take is applied, or craftiness. Now Bonded, also, ride on top of the dragon and can attack from it, or leap off and do other things, but they need to remain close to each other.

1) Dragoons need to find people with high Transformation Stat as well. The partner will be more in synch with the Dragoon if they are close in Transformation. To even achieve a bond, ONE of them must be 6. Either the Dragoon, or the person they are bonding with.

2) To exchange half their move set with each other, the Dragoon needs to have at least a 6 in Transformation and their partner a 5.

3) Assuming Point 2 occurs, if a Dragoon bonds with someone who is a radically different Moral Center then themselves, then they can lose control of the bond and become enslaved. Hopefully a Morally Good person would not enslave a Morally Bad Dragoon but it is possibly in this twisted world, since once you see the Alignments, they might not mean what you think. Dragoons work better with those of a similiar Moral Center and are better intune.

On their own, a Dragoon can:

1) A Dragoon with a maxed out Transformation Stat is able to make a bond link with a Dragon of their element. This essentially means they can call the dragon for aid. They can also slowly transform into said dragon during their transformation phase if they wish, once they are bonded. Each Kingdom has their own dragon.

2) Later on, when they get the Minor Elements and Moral Elements, they can make Bonds with the Dragons they are connected to as well. This is separate from the bonds with people.

Dragoons have changed much - much younger and more powerful with energy weapon creation, they are best when bonded. But they are always sought out. And since they no longer have the weakness of death when their partner dies, people who want them have no problem killing their Bonded. Dragoons can see especially well in the dark, and breathe in space since they do not need to breathe at all. They can also take extreme heats and colds without being damaged. Their eyesight isn't even bothered with the old light problem that it is said to have once been there.

Moral Center: There are no limits on their moral center.

Age Range: 400 - 600 (depends on the Moral Alignment of Partner)

Meisters: They make great Meisters, Bond and use Mana.

Recommended Classes: Transformation Warrior Class.

Mod Starting Capacity: 16

Unique Character Trait: Stigmata.

Stigmatas are runic devices inserted inside a Dragoon's spinal cord via their tatoo. It is extremely painful and the final two can only be given by their Bonded (Meaning a player cannot Special Stat 8 and 9 without being Bonded). These allow the Dragoon to unlock more moves that lay dormant in their Dragon blood. It was said in the past that Dragoons, being part 'machine' had to access code to get it, but now that it is blood, these runic devices make the genetic blood coding remember what is buried through generation of breeding. It is also said there are special Stigmatas out there one can load up, if they are found.

1 Stigmata Move: Allows the Dragoon to form an energy shield for +2 Durability

3 Stigmata Move: Allows the Dragoon to restore +3 Health Points

5 Stigmata Move: Allows the Dragoon to form their dragon form without a bond partner present. Must still be bonded.

7 Stigmata Move: Allows the Dragoon to do double damage on two attack moves

9 Stigmata Move: Allows the Dragoon to unleash a special Bonded attack



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TAW6 Special Thanks: Sara
Special Thanks: Seraphna for the TAW5 Site Design that I Use Now